Friday, July 15, 2011


I haven't posted any news for a while. probably because we've been so busy. So, here I go!!

Brinna is now 2 1/2 months old and is almost 15 lbs. She is getting so big so fast! She smiles and giggles all the time. It makes me laugh when she does it with a bottle in her mouth because milk gets all over! She is very content to just look around. She is learning how to grab things. I gave her Phoenix's little purple donkey rattle and she tries so hard to put it in her mouth. Her hands are in her mouth a lot and she slobbers a lot! She is sleeping 8-10 hrs at night and eating 5 oz every 3ish hours. In the evening she likes to have a double feeding only 1 hour apart. She likes to be in her pack and play to sleep, not held. She is ticklish and loves it when the kids tickle her!

Atticus just potty trained this week! He is still having a hard time with #2 but we'll get there. The nice thing is that he's doing it himself so I don't have to nag!! Last night Brandon went and got him toy guns so I hope that will be incentive.

Phoenix had been learning to color really well in the lines. I have been trying to teach her to draw a few things so that she will feel more confident. Yesterday we made a house out of painting shapes.

Brandon will be done with this semester in 2 weeks and we can't wait!!! I'd like to think that he'll get a summer break but he won't. He will spend 3 weeks studying for the CMA them school will start again. He signed up to take the CMA in September. Fingers Crossed that he will pass the first test.

I have been taking the kids to the park for the summer lunch program lately. It has been nice because I haven't had to worry about what to feed them. It's a big sack lunch so there's usually enough left over for dinner too! I have been crocheting a lot and working on my photography. I just downloaded the free trial for Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 and I really like it.

I have been kindof unorganized lately and I will tell you why. I got over shingles them Nix got a cold and pinkeye. She didn't eat for 4 days so I took her in to the Dr and found out she had a throat infection. Atti them got pinkeye. Then I got strep throat. Now Brinna and I have a cold. :( On top of it all...we are buying a house. We're really excited about it and really hope that everything falls into place.

So there we are in a nutshell. Here are a few things in our near future...

Packing, Devon's Wedding Reception and a trip to Seattle, camping, 3 weeks with Brandon (sorta)...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you were all so sick! And I can't wait to hear more about the house!
