Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dear Brandon, You work so hard. You spend your day rasking your brain at work and school putting in longer days then you ever have before, then you come home and take care of us and things that need to be done around the house. You really are carrying us on your back these days since I have been struggling. So, yesterday I asked you a question, "Brandon...what can I do around here to make things easier for you?" Your reply, "I'll have to get back to you on that!" I know exactly what you're thinking, "Wow, that's a loaded question. Anything I say will hurt her feelings and make her feel that she doesn't do enough around here." This is what I meant to say... I do a lot around here but I want to make sure it's the things that you like seeing when you come home. If you don't like extravagant meals then I'll put my energy elsewhere. If you love it when the kitchen table is clean I will try to do it before you come home. Don't get crazy though...I'm not a 1950's mom who can do everything. I will try. I love you.

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