Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Are you adjusting to having 3 kids?

Before Brinna came I was so afraid of having baby blues or post partum depression. I spent a lot of time talking to the Dr and reading as much as I could to prepare. Why? Because all anyone ever said to me was that adding the 3rd would be the hardest. I of course was VERY scared because adding Atti was very hard...harder would not be good.

So now everyone asks me, "How are you adjusting?"

Answer - "Well!"

It doesn't even feel like there was a change. This feels so normal and and natural. No great fireworks, it just feels right. Brinna is a really good baby. She eats, sleeps, and looks around. I have her on the bottle now so she hardly fusses at all and Nix and Brandon help with the feedings if I'm busy. She doesn't add a whole lot more laundry or mess so it's pretty much normal around here.

There are a few things that I have been doing that have been lifesavers though...

1. cleaning day - I have been making sure to clean the whole house once a week so that through the week when Brandon is gone I only have to pick up.

2. cooking - I don't. Sandwiches, Pancakes and eggs, salads, soups...easy to prepare and easy to clean up.

3. Netflix - I spend a lot of time sitting with the baby or the kids and Netflix has saved my life and my sanity.

4. Friends and Family - Since we have had the baby we have received meals and gifts, help with babysitting and a lot of friendly calls. I was worried about how I would do so I told everyone that I would need them to check up on me and it has been so good for me. Thank you friends!!

5. No Extras!! I realize that I am still learning how to do this so I don't take anything extra on. I do what I can but I say no if I can't. Simple as that.

6. Laundry - I wash a load them fold it. I can't start another until the last is folded and put away. No piles of laundry all over the place. I don't change the kids clothes as much as I used to. If they are wearing comfy clothes then they can sleep in them. I don't change Brinna's clothes unless she poops out (or if she doesn't for a whole day :).

I want to find joy in the journey. I want to enjoy every moment with my babies...I don't know if Brinna is our last so I want to savor this time...


  1. Thank you for posting this Brittany! I know that I will have more and Peyton was (and is) very hard because she is much more needy then my first. And I have heard the same thing about how hard it is to have 3 and the thought scares me! I think I'm afraid to ask for help, so thank you for the idea of preparing people with what I might need and actually taking them up on it. i bet you are doing awesome! You guys sure make them cute!!! =) I'm serious! VERYYYY Beautiful babies AND kids!

  2. I have actually heard adding a 2nd is harder then the 3rd.. which makes me scared to have baby #2!
    Love your idea about asking people to check in on you, I will be doing that. I had a little bit of post partum with Ethan, and as much as i can prepare myself now.. i am still worried about.
    Your list of lifesavers is awesome! I love having a clean house so deciding one day to do it all is genius. I get anxiety when I think about having a 2nd..but i know it will have hard times but it will be worth it.
    Sounds like you are adjusting really well! Your kiddos are so cute and I love keeping in touch with you guys through your blog!

  3. It sounds like you are being a smart momma! I'm proud of you for being so patient with yourself! That's awesome. Things will get better, and before you know it... you're going to be doing all sorts of things again.
    -Love, Joy
