Friday, May 13, 2011

The Story

I think I might have a moment to post the story of how Brinna arrived...I think. I was due with her on Tuesday April 26. I thought I would have her around then because I was bleeding and contracting since the week before. We decided to induce on Thursday. I got everything ready. At 5:30pm on Thursday Brandon's co-worker Sharon came over and we kissed the kids and took off to the hospital. I have to say that it's a lot more fun arriving at the hospital when you're NOT in labor. They checked us in and we were excited to get started. We joked that it would be a long 19-24 hrs (because that's how long the other labors were) but we were happy and excited. Dr. Schuler cam in and explained that if the cirvidil (a hormone put next to the cervix) didn't work they would either put me on pitocin the next morning or let me go home. I was excited that I knew the nurse so I wasn't nervous at all. The cirvidil was put in at 6 and within a half hour I was begging for an epidural. The contractions were so strong but the machine wasn't picking them up. Our second nurse was our friend Lina! It was nice to have a friend taking care of mt and especially the baby. From 6-8 I had gone from 3cm to 5. I got my epidural and they took the cirvidil out. The epidural only worked on my right side so it was still rough but it helped a ton. The contractions were still 2-3 min apart. By 12 or 1ish in the morning I couldn't take the pain anymore. I wanted the epidural fixed. As I sat up to get it fixed the nurse saw blood and decided to check me again. "Call the Dr. She's ready!" YAY!! I was SO excited. We talked for a little bit before I started to feel pressure. And more pressure. "Brittany...don't push, the Dr. isn't here!" Right before the Dr. came I felt a POP and my water broke. After the Dr. got suited up he said that we would do a practice push. Before I even pushed the baby's head was already showing. Brandon made the nurses get a mirror (I have to have one!) and we were off! One easy push and she was out. I heard the Dr. say "Brandon, so you see the sex?" I screamed, "IT'S A GIRL!" I must have said the she was so beautiful a million times!


  1. Oh I just love birth stories! I love her name too, Brinna is REALLY cute. -Wendy

  2. Congratulations on the little one! She looks like a little angel! I am glad that she is here safely and that you guys now are a happy family of 5! Make sure to keep posting pics of the little 'uns. We all love seeing them.
