Thursday, June 23, 2011

In my personal scripture study I am reading in Alma and I just finished ch 49. These are the war chapters and I dread reading these every time. Mostly because I hate war but also because I feel like there isn't a while lot to learn. As I read today I did learn something based off of what's going on in my life right now.

Since I've been sick I feel like I've been taking a back seat in my parenting letting tv and everyone else do the job for me. Just the thought of sitting with them and doing anything is hard because they have a 5min attention span and they fight with each other or me.

In Alma 49 it talks about Amalikiah and Moroni. Amalikiah takes a back seat when it comes to leading his armies where Moroni stayed with his troops protecting them, building walls to protect them and fighting with them.

This made me think about parenting.
1. Am I building walls to protect my children? (teaching them and keeping them from danger)
2. Am I fighting with them, by their sides, or am I sending them in to fight alone without armor?

Interesting. Lately I have been thinking for the first time that I just want to be a stay at home mom. I want t be able to go on field trips with the kids. I want to be there at all the games and as many practices as I can. I love that Brandon supports me in this decision.

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