Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Newsletter time...

Which to choose, which to choose....

Here is what it says...

This year I decided to let Phoenix and Atticus write the Christmas newsletter. It turned out super cute and totally accurate! J With this letter we send you our love and best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New year from the Glicks!

Nix- “Daddy goes to school. He learns. Playful. Friend. Helpful. I don’t know. He likes to Play. Dad likes brownies.”

Atti-“Daddy likes to have a birthday. I want to go to church with him. I want Daddy to come home from work and have lunch with us. Daddy wrestles with me. He goes to work. I want to go to work.”

Nix- “Mommy likes to play with Daddy. She likes to put Christmas stuff up. Mom likes her birthday and that’s all the things about mom.”

Atti-“Mommy and me could play games. Mommy could go to work. I love to paint.  Adelaide could be here with us. Mommy could let us play games. Mommy does the things she wants.”

Nix- “Phoenix. I help people. Share. Play. Friend and I love mom. I like my school.”

Atti-“Phoenix Michelle Glick. Five. She likes to put her things into a bag. She likes to go to school. She plays at school. She likes to wear makeup like a tiger.”

Nix- “Atticus. He been sharing. He plays the WII. Atti wears shorts everyday. He loves his tank.”

Atti-“Atticus Finch Meric Brandon Glick. Five, I am three. I want to watch the frog show. Roar! I am a tiger. I go to the dentist. To eat cereal.”

Nix- “Brinna. She cries a lot, she wines a lot, she hits a lot, yells a lot and that’s all the things about her. I bet she’s going to get coal.”

Atti-“Brinna cries. She likes her doll. Play with mommy’s computer. Brinna ate poop. She eats school food. She took a toy from her friend.”

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I really like these! They are so cute. And the picture of you guys is amazing! Such a good idea to have the kids write it. I was really laughing. They are so honest. :)
