Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maternity Clothes

Here is the deal. Most girls brag about when they started wearing maternity clothes... "I didn't have to wear them till 6 months!" "I had to wear them at 12 weeks!" I have been feeling screnched in my clothes. Starting to get a muffin top and having to put away a few smaller sizes. I havn't wanted to start wearing maternity clothes because I felt like it would mean that I'm getting fat or that I would just allow myself to get big faster. Since I am 13 weeks with my 3rd kid I thought that I'd get out my clothes today and see what I have that's still wearable. I got my bin down and took it all out. I filled the bin with the small clothes that I've already grown out of in the last few weeks. I decided to try on a smaller pair of maternity pants. Brandon said, "You look much more comfortable." That translated means..."Wow! Your muffin top is gone!" It's true too. I feel so much better. I was starting to cramp and feel pressure from wearing my jeans too tight. Not I'm happy that I got my clothes out! I have been eating much healthier this week and I hope that it will help with the weight gain. I have already gained 7 lbs but I'm sure a lot of it's water weight. I was getting so bloated because of slowing digestion that my stomach was always full and hard. It was causing pain so the Dr gave me a pill to take at night to help food move along. I havn't had to take it a lot but when I'm feeling yucky it sure helps. I hope with getting rid of the bloating and eating healthier I will slow the weight gain and avoid gaining 50 lbs this time. We'll see. Either way I'm happy to have big healthy babies and I have been blessed to lose the weight each time (although it takes longer each time).

1 comment:

  1. I gained practically all my weight in the first two trimesters, gaining almost 15 lbs from week 8 to week 15. Thankfully, I only gained 4-5 lbs in the third trimester. I was really REALLY stressed about this when I was showing and gaining so fast, especially since Ammon was 8lbs 14 oz and I did NOT want to do that again. The more I tried to focus on eating normal amounts of healthy foods, the more weight I gained. I finally accepted it and let it go, since no amount of action on my part made any difference. I was so relieved when it finally slowed down, but I was just as big as I was with Ammon by 30 weeks. My Dr. just kept saying he wasn't worried, so I shouldn't worry either. During those last ten weeks I continued to grow normally, despite the slow weight gain.

    Ammon was 13 days over, which accounts for some of his size. I really wanted to have a natural delivery with him and put off being induced...only to be induced anyway, but with a now gigantic baby. I was induced 5 days "early" with her, (I still maintain that my due date was off by at least a week) and she was 7lbs 6 oz. Gaining all the weight in the beginning let me wear my pregnancy clothes earlier/longer, but it sure was a bigger strain on my back and knees. All worth it though, right?
