Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cloth's how I do it and how much I spend...

I decided that since everyone is asking me how I'm cloth diapering I would blog about it. I wasn't sure if I was really serious about doing it so I decided to go the easiest and least expensive way possible. First of all there are lots of different ways to cloth diaper... cloth diapers with inserts all in one diaper covers one size hybrids I chose to go with the diaper covers because I already had one and I didn't want to wash the entire diaper each use...just the trifold. The All and Borax are both from Walmart. I have read that they aren't the best for cloth diapering (3 stars out of 4) but I don't want to pay tons for detergents and shipping. Most people get a wetbag for their diaper bag but I havn't yet so I just use an old grocery bag and a cloth bag that I had around the house. The Cloth Diaper inserts were from Walmart at $1 each I think. The Diaper covers run from $10-15 each but I got 3 for $41 including tax and shipping. So here is how I do the diaper... Put the trifold in the diaper...
Open the top of the trifold (where the baby's back is)...
Add a liner. (I use half of a Viva paper towel but most use rice paper. Again I'm trying to save money.)
Fold the front up...I have a boy!
Close it up!
Here is the finished product!! Cute huh! SO Here is what I do when there's a stinky..
I change him just like normal but leave the wipes in the diaper.
I reuse the diaper cover all day unless it's dirty. (You can wipe them out)
I go to the trash and throw away the wipes and the liner that caught the stinky. (The trash has to be taken out every day!) Then just drop the trifold into the laundry. There it waits till I have a half load of whites or towels. When they come out of the laundry they never stink and I havn't had a stain yet.
So...I didn't spend an arm and a leg to get started and it is working great so far...even at night!! BUT the best news of all is after I use these for 2 1/2 months I will have paid these off and will be saving about 45 cents a day including laundry costs! (Until the baby comes then we'll save LOTS more!)


  1. That is simply amazing girl! I am way proud of you... if I had the motivation to do this... I totally would, but can I just say... life with a baby is tiring. As I'm sure you know. So, keep up the good/amazing work! Maybe I'll get there someday with you!

  2. I'm glad you figured out something that works for you!!! You WILL save lots of money!!!!
