Tuesday, March 29, 2011

36 Weeks Pregnant

Hooray! I made it to 36 weeks! Time really flies because I don't know the sex of the baby. Then I don't think about the baby as much. Also...the kids really keep me busy. Phoenix - preschool, little mommy, recent bed wetting, Diego addict, cheese stick please, sweet kisses, negotiator, helper, nurturer, everything in its place Atticus - friends please, picky eater, night terrors, little tease, sward fights, fruck (truck), celow (cereal), loves naps, fussy fussy, I DO IT! Brandon - Just got a calling as the Elders Quorum teacher, tired of school but the semester ends on May 4, busy time at work is over, helping out a lot around the house when he can, chocoholic, tired, tired, tired. Me - 36 weeks, tired from getting up so much at night, sore from gaining all this weight...and still gaining, running out of clothes to wear, want to nest, busy with helping out in the preschool, can't eat enough fruit and drink enough water. I have been trying to keep busy so that I won't get ancy in the end of the pregnancy and it really helps. It also helps to hear other girls complain because I don't want to sound like that. It's nice to know that I really don't hurt that badly and that it could be a lot worse. Gives me encouragement. It's really funny the things people say to me lately. Wow You're getting big! You look tired. The baby looks low, I bet that hurts. Yeah...I'd rather not hear those things. Even when people ask me how I'm doing I try to say that I'm good because there's no point in complaining. Oh yeah. Jennifer Ritchie took photos of me last week! I'll get them on here as soon as I can. They are SO cute!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that your pregnancy is going well. It sounds like life is crazy... and now it's going to get crazier! Oh well... life of a mom.. right?

    We really hope everything keeps going well.

