Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ready for Kindergarten

Here in Othello the school district does a program called Ready for Kindergarten. It's a 1 1/2 hour class that I go to to get tools and Ideas to prepare each child for Kindergarten. I have to go to one session per child. There they go over where the child needs to be developmentally and gives tools/games to help. They also let me pick out a free book at the end. I went on Tuesday for nix and got letters and magnets for her game board, Build-A-Book, a drawing pad, crayons, a game where they do different actions and a wooden ABC puzzle. I realized that I need to be reading to the kids a little more each day (20 min) and that she needs to learn to share. I also need to work with her on prepositions. I am going to Atti's class tonight and am excited to see what he needs to be learning. Yesterday I went to walmart and got some bins for her new activities. These activities and games that we get I keep up so that they only play with them when I'm around to use it for a learning time. We have bin for coloring and cutting, painting, playdough, number and letter cards for her game board. I also got alphabet blocks. I organized all of the learning games so that we can do activities throughout the day. I am so excited about it!

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