Friday, March 18, 2011

Baby 3 Update

On Wednesday I went in for a routine checkup. The Dr said that I look like the baby has dropped so he checked me. He said that I was effaced but not dilated. He also said that I need to stay home, take it easy, and don't lift the kids. Semi-bedrest, right? Since he checked me I have been feeling really sore and having a lot of contractions. The ladies in the ward organized meals and help for me which we are so grateful for. Lastnight around 2am I woke up with a contraction. I started timing them and they were 8 min apart...then 7...then 6. I kept getting up and getting a drink and walking around a bit to see if they would go away. They didn't. I woke Brandon up and asked him to time them because I needed to relax and not think about it. They went to 10 min and then stopped after 2 hrs. This morning I was feeling HORRIBLE!! Sore! A friend told me that I should probably tell the Dr. I did and he said to go to the hospital. I got to the hospital and they checked me and hooked me up to the monitor. The baby was moving really well and I felt a lot of contractions but they didn't show up on the monitor. Nothing did. Aggravating. The dr later told me that they weren't contractions but cramping from the infection. The nurse said that I was 50% effaced and the baby is at a station -3 meaning the head is still was up. The cervix is soft but she said that's normal for 34 weeks. She said that I don't need to rest and everything is ok. Hm....who do I believe? What am I supposed to do? Take it easy? Do normal activity? I am frustrated. Mostly that the sisters in the ward are helping and I don't even know if I need the help. Later that day... Brandon called the Dr. to see what we're supposed to be doing. One minute it's bedrest and the next it's not. (The reason we're concerned is because if the baby is born early it has to be taken to Spokane 2 hrs away and I don't have any help. Basicaly I will have to stay here and go pick up the baby when it's ready to come home.) Here is what the Dr. said... Bedrest for the next 10 days till the infection is gone. Then at the next checkup if the infection is gone I can go back to normal 8 month pregnant activities.


  1. I Would do only what you feel comfortable doing. Take it easy, you're almost there!

  2. You know your body best. I start to get contractions I drink a bunch of water and just try and take a nap they end up going away after that but if you are contracting more than 4-5 an hour you need to stop what you are doing and put your feet up! :) Good luck!!

  3. do what the doctor says, and don't feel guilty about taking the help. those women are probably so pleased to be there for you right now, just like you will be there for each of them when their time comes. :) LOVE YOU!
