Friday, July 30, 2010

Failure and Self Doubt

Have you ever failed at something? Something you thought you'd rock at? Something special or something ordinary? I have. I do. All the time. Cooking, parenting, sports... Sometimes no one notices and others I feel like a fool. The latest and greatest was hard. I prayed for comfort. I went to my companion for words of encouragement. It gets tiring, I said. his reply... "In success you learn nothing, in failing you learn everything. Keep moving forward." Still sad, I said, how? I'm hurting? Brittany, you fail all of the time. Perhaps more then others. It is hard, but remember... YOU try new things. If you stop trying then you will never fail. What do you want to do? Thank you Brandon! I love you! I do fail a lot. I'm horrible a volleyball but I LOVE IT! If I'm on your team you won't win but you'll have fun and laugh a lot. I am an incredible mom. I love what I do and I love doing it and that makes all the difference. My children are smart and healthy. My cooking is a mess but that's what happens when I change recipes to be healthier for my family...sometimes things don't work out. Most of all my testimony of the Gospel is strong. I know who I am and why I'm here. I am a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father who sent me here to try new things.

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