Tuesday, February 8, 2011

About yesterday's post...

It is 8:30 am. I would like to write in and tell that person what I've done all morning as a mom but I won't. Instead I will blog about it... 6:56 - 2 kids came into my room asking for a banana. I got us and got them a banana to share. I then made eggs and turkey bacon which they didn't eat. The whole time they were at the table they were sward fighting with their forks. Daddy left for work and I had to do damage control to stop the crying. They got down from the table and were coloring together...till they started fighting over colored pencils. I intervened and cleaned up the pencils. We did dot-to-dot pictures (which take forever because we all have to count the numbers 1-100) then the kids started coloring. I folded the little laundry that was left in the dryer to get to my jeans I wanted to wear today and got dressed. Be then Nix was begging me to come color with her and so I sat with her for a few minutes before I did a 5min scrunch and bobby pin with my hair. I was interrupted by Nix screaming that "Atti had poop!" I came in to see that Atti had had an explosion and it was running down his legs. I cleaned it and put him in the bath. While I washed him Nix was crawling all over me and fussing that she wanted a bath. (Well...they had one last night...) I grabbed him out of the bath and of course he screamed. I got their clothes and dressed Atti. Dressing a kid isn't as easy and fast as it sounds especially when you're trying to teach them to do it all by their selves. As I pulled Atti to stand he pulled his diaper off so I had to fix it. He had an ouchie in his foot so we had to sit and look at it and kiss it. Nix took off all her clothes and ran around the house for a little while before I for firm with her and laid her clothes out on the floor. She put her pants on before her undies on purpose so I had to correct that. Then she Put both of her legs in one leg of her pants and went hopping all over. I had to correct that. Now Nix is rolling around on the floor without a shirt saying that she can't get dressed herself and I have to help her. This is my life before 8:30. I have to go because Nix just went to her room and is crying... Turns out she has broken blood vessels all over her neck because she was tryng to open the blinds and somehow got the her head in the string. Now she is hurt and scared. I have a learning movie on for the kids so I have to sit with them and make sure they understand it. Not to mention it's a great time to give them some attention and lovies! Happy 9am! (did I mention that I did all this with a horrible cold and a UTI?) Things to do today...get kids prescription, go to Dr, make lunch dinner and snacks that the kids won't eat, put them down for a nap that they don't want to take, fight them off the TV, fight them out of my room 5 times today, say "do you need to go to the bathroom" all day, change lots more diapers (mostly explosions), break up fights, kiss boo boos, listen to crying every time I need to go to the bathroom because they want in the bathroom, do preschool and circle time, listen to cries to daddy, listen to "I want" all day long. Meanwhile trying to do laundry, dishes, clean and vacuum. Also...I do all this while trying to teach manners, faith, love, and responsibility to the kids...I'm tired just thinking of it!

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