Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Box of Love - FHE

I got this idea from The Friend. I am excited to do it with the kids. I think we will make one box and hang it up. Throughout the next week we will do little activities (make treats, cards, or secret services) and put them in the box. We will check the box at night and see if there is inything in it. That way we will be able to include Daddy. We'll see how it goes!! Box of Love Each week in February, hang this box of love on a different family member’s door. Throughout the week, put things in the box that tell or show your love for that person. You can leave a note, a drawing, or a small treat. If you like, invite other family members to add to the box and share the love! 1. Cut off the top flaps of a small cardboard box, such as a small cereal box. 2. Cut out a piece of colorful paper or wrapping paper the same height as the box. Wrap the paper around the box and secure with tape or glue. 3. Punch a hole near the top of the two short sides. 4. Tie a ribbon or string through the two holes to make a handle to hang the box on a doorknob.

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