Saturday, February 12, 2011

Odds and Ends...

There are just a few things that I have had on my mind that I wanted to blog about...
FOOD. Phoenix eats almost anything. She doesn't eat a lot but she will eat what I give her. I usually give them 3 different food groups on their plate in really small portions. Ex: Toast, 1/2 egg, 1/2 banana. I feed them like that 5 or 6 times a day. So...Nix always does well to eat her food and try things. She loves soup, broccoli, celery (she also calls salad celery and loves it), fruit, oh yeah...and CHEESE! Atti...he's a toughy. I used to think that Nix ate well because I rock as a mom but now I know that "rocking" doesn't have anything to do with it. I feed him the same way as I did her and HE WON'T EAT!! He won't eat anything that is mixed, anything with cheese, any vegetables (except carrots and broccoli), no beans, no visible herbs...PICKY! That boy won't even eat pizza! Oh yeah...and no crust on bread. That is so aggravating! I want to make healthy meals but I also want him to eat what we're eating. I never know if he's going to eat it or not. Right now the only things that I know for sure that he'll eat is cereal, oatmeal, toast, pb&j, fruit...that's about it. Ugh!
Moving on to another topic...Phoenix. She is getting so big on me! On Wednesday she will start preschool at the Co-Op. I am so excited to see her grow and evolve into a little girl.
Last night I has a horrible mom moment. We were watching a movie late at night when I heard her start to cry. It wasn't a normal cry but a really sad cry. We learned that she wet the bed because we forgot to have her go before bed. I felt horrible that she was so embarrassed. I told her that it was my fault because I forgot to have her go and that sometime her peepee in a stinker and comes out all by itself.
Today at church she brought tears to my eyes because we sang Families Can Be Together Forever and she was singing with us. She truly is a sweet baby girl and I feel privileged to have her.
She has been coloring a lot and trying really hard to color in the lines. In just one week she is doing great!! She is always saying that she is practicing.
Next topic. Brandon. He is working like crazy and doing school. We don't see him till 8 most nights and he studies all day on Saturday. (He's even having to do HW today on Sunday! Shhh...) It is tough for me to be without him. I miss him all the time and wish we had a moment to just sit. Not having to talk about business but just to enjoy each other. The kids really miss him too. It is hard but as the same time it feels good to be getting his education done. I just keep praying to be able to have comfort because I know things will always be busier and busier as the kids grow up. I need to learn how to be ok without him.
Now for the Pregnancy. This is my belly at 29 weeks. Big huh? I still feel great and am doing really well with my weight gain. I love to feel the baby move around because I feel like I'm getting to know the baby. We have our ultrasound coming up soon!! YAY!! I can't wait to see the little one. I have been having problems with UTI's but I'm hoping that this round of antibiotics will clear that up. I have had 4 so far so the dr might put me on 1 a day antibiotics. The UTI's have been causing fatigue, cramping, and other things that aren't pleasant. I hope this one goes away and I have NO MORE!

1 comment:

  1. I am in the same boat with Jacob being my picky eater. It's driving me crazy. And he wont eat pizza either. Sometimes he will but I'm always surprised. He's problem is that I really have to mix it up for him. We wont have the same thing twice. For example, if I give him oatmeal for breakfast, I can not give him oatmeal again for another 2-3 days at least. It's so so so frustrating. I am impressed with that great eating little girl you got there. Maybe Peyton will be my easy eater, but so far it's not lookin good. =)
    You look great by the way!!!! Way to go! I wish I looked that great pregnant! I do miss those baby movements, I love being pregnant!
