Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nix's First Day of Preschool

Yesterday was Phoenix's first day of Preschool at the Co-Op. She has been asking to go to school but I never took her because they didn't have room and I didn't have a car. I still don't have a car but I am able to take Brandon to work so I can have the car on Wed and Fri and Someone will pick her up on Mondays. Just a little bit about the Co-Op... It is mostly parent run with a paid teacher. Mrs. Cheryl is actually in our ward and has worked with Nix in nursery. She is great and I think she has six sons (all grown)! So they have 3 mothers there helping out and there are 12-14 kids. There is a fundraiser at the end of every year selling Christmas Trees and selling Killian Korn. The fundraising is another reason I didn't want to do the Co-Op. I got Brandon to work and got the kids ready for school and babysitter. Atti was happy to play with his friends Isak and Lucy while I went to school with Nix. We got there a little early and they were missing a parent so I was able to volunteer. Here is what they do... Wash hands - Everyone washes hands as they come into the class Gathering time - there are little learning games set out on the tables Clean up Daily overview - go over what they are doing that day and have the letter of the day. Circle time - talk about the date, who is there, sing songs, patterns, colors, numbers Stations - 4 stations: snack, art, project, learning game (it was numbers) Gym - I was surprised that she acted like a gym teacher and taught them! Closing Circle - go over what they liked that day, they learned about answering questions when they are asked and learned about emotions and how to handle them. Show and tell (something triangular). Sing the goodbye song, When the kids leave they get their projects out of the bin and their jackets. The parents sign out their child. I love how they work it. It is a lot like the way I do things here so it makes me feel good. As for Nix...she did great. I was a little worried about her because the other kids are all starting Kindergarten this fall but she did great. I could tell that they knew their "stuff" better then she did but she didn't care. She was so good and obedient. A few things were hard for her because she didn't know the routine but she will learn that. I was so happy to see her in that setting. Brandon called to see how it went and he was really happy too! We will see how the next few weeks go. Oh yeah...there was one problem when we left. She didn't understand that school was over and she threw a big fit. I think going and learning the routine will help with that. I heard it'll take a week or two.

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