Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Rant and Rave

Don't read this if you want to hear something cheery and happy because I'm not gonna give you what you want. Today I was told that Phoenix has me wrapped around her little finger and I need to start spanking her and show her who's mom. Hmm...Not ok. Everything about this is not ok. Here is why... 1. No one knows me and the way I am during the day with the kids. Not even Brandon because they are totally different when he's around. 2. Why is it any of their business how I am with my kids?? It's not their kid or grand kid so back off. 3. They don't know me! If they did they would know that I have an anger problem and spanking is the last thing I should be doing. Loving them and playing with them comes first. 4. They don't know Phoenix! They don't know what she responds to and what makes her stop listening and obeying. They don't know her personality and what's best for her! That's MY baby! 5. I am raising latter-day babies. They are strong against the adversary which means that they are strong willed. I love it. I am proud of her for standing up for what she thinks is right. 6. Even if this person was all knowing and knows what's best for my baby...BACK OFF! I am the mother and there's a reason I'm her mother. She needs ME not YOU! If there was a hand book on how to raise children then we wouldn't learn anything. Maybe, just maybe...God might know what hes doing...definitely. For all you moms who struggle with knowing what's best for your children, Remember this. Remember that those babies were sent to you for a reason. You are best for them and they are best for you! Do what is best for you and them. Do what's in your heart, not in the books! Also, If all else fails, ask our Heavenly Father. He knows you and your children. He sees you all day as you parent. I find that when I pray and ask to find out if I'm doing His will, He tells me that I'm doing great and he's proud of me. If you are not the mom, BACK OFF!! Or be nice enough to give loving advice if they ask for it!

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