Sunday, June 20, 2010

So, How do you save money?

A lot of people ask me how we save money on every day things. I don't know how good we are with finances but I do take a few steps to save money. BUT FIRST...This is just me. Don't take this personal and thing I judge other people and how they spend their money because I don't. Honestly I don't really care how much money other people spend. All I care about is what we spend. :) Some spend on jewelry and cars and we spend on food and vacations. Decide on what you think is most important and keep those things in mind when you're deciding where you can cut back. So now that that's cleared are a few things that I've been thinking. (I learned a lot about money and saving as a mom from Jennifer.) Tip 1. Don't do to the store! If you don't go then you won't buy. 2. Make a menu. You can make a month menu and buy all of the non perishables at once and go back only once a week for the others. That keeps you out of the store. You forget it, you didn't need it badly enough. 3. (goes with 2) ALWAYS have a list! If it's not on the list don't get it!!! You have to go home and write it on the list for next week if you want it that badly. 4. Sounds strange but NEVER buy things on sale unless they are on your list! You think you're saving but really you're still spending. That's not saving. 5. Make it yourself. Pizza dough, bread, cakes and icing, cookies, corn muffins, tortillas, pancake syrup. If you can...MAKE IT! 6. It's JUST a few dollars. Say that a few times and it'll JUST be a few hundred by the end of the year. (Is it on the list?) 7. Cancel your cable! 8. Did I mention pay your tithing? If you feel like you'll go under without're likely going under with it... 9. We buy everything on a credit card because we get a better cash return on it. The card also has a great online account that helps us budget. Never buy unless you have the money for it. Sell books, movies, clothes...anything but don't go into debt. 10. Raises, tax returns, birthday money, extra money all should go to debt or savings. If you're struggling with money you don't need to be spending the extra money. There are always inexpensive or free activities you can do for dates, birthdays and activities with your family. So that's just what I do. I'd love to hear what you do to save money!!!